What is the Most Secure Online Cloud?

Having access to a cloud storage service and being able to browse through your data any time you want, no matter where you are is a massive convenience and we agree. However, as convenient as it might sound, storing the entirety of your data in one single place also has its risks. That is why it’s important to put an additional layer of security onto your files by using an encrypted cloud storage service. In order to help you choose the best service for your business, we will go through all the essential information regarding the top-tier products of this year.

When talking about securely storing your data, CloudMounter is a top-tier choice that offers end-to-end encryption at the highest level. The app takes the cloud security definition very seriously, as it’s using Advanced Encryption Standard 256 to secure your files and protect them against any hacker. The software is nicely integrated with Finder, thus allowing you and your employees to easily work with remote and online files, without having to leave your macOS file manager.

Also, you can read this article and know more:
